At the age of 3, we knew that our daughter was having a harder time communicating and articulating her letters at the level she should have been. We were recommended to Pediatric Therapies and jumped right in as soon as we could to start speech therapy for our sweet girl.
When we first started, Kacee was at a very low comprehension level from people outside of our family. We understood her well, but others outside of our household didn’t always understand what she was saying. This created some frustration for Kacee and retraction in social settings as new friendships or relationships were challenging. We started working with Ms. Megan and immediately started to see leaps and bounds in progress from where she was.
Week by week, we were able to familiarize her with more and more letter sounds, increasing her confidence and her social reactions. Flash forward a year later, we are at an almost fully comprehended conversation from outsiders with our sweet girl. It has been such a blessing to see her grow so much in her language development, but especially in her confidence as she approaches so many new things eagerly. We are so grateful for the progress she’s made with PT and Ms. Megan and couldn’t be more thrilled to have been partnering with such an incredible speech pathologist with our babe.