Helpful Links

Below is a list of helpful resources and links. If you would like to speak with someone we welcome your questions by phone at 615-377-1623 or you can request information via our website form.

Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Tennessee

Best Buddies Tennessee

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Guide

Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee

Fun and Function

Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)

Sensory Integration Global Network (information on Ayres Sensory Integration literature and research)

STAR Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder

Tennesseeā€²s Early Intervention System (TEIS)

United Cerebral Palsy Middle Tennessee

Vanderbilt Center for Child Development (comprehensive developmental evaluations)

Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (services for those with developmental disabilities including Autism)